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The Experience I gained at UWE Bristol is Priceless

I went from being scared to share my work, to earning money from my writing as an undergraduate.

In 2021, I moved to Bristol to begin my studies at UWE. I knew I wanted to pursue a career in writing but had no idea how to go about it. What writing careers were out there? How would I prepare myself for them?

Building Confidence

When I started my degree, I lacked confidence in my writing and myself. I was scared to let others read my work, convinced it wasn’t good enough. Little did I know, many of my coursemates felt the same way.

Our tutors understood this apprehension: ensuring to create a comfortable environment for us to present our work when we felt ready. After sharing my writing with peers, I was fuelled with confidence.


I found myself inspired by the variety of modules on my course. The Writer as Cultural Commentator developed my understanding and eagerness for journalism, whilst Commercial Writing and Content Marketing opened me up to a world of writing I’d never heard of: copywriting.

I realised how many routes I could go down with my writing, each seemingly more exciting than the last. Equipped with newfound knowledge and the advice of my tutors, I sought out UWE’s Professional Volunteering opportunities – ready to go out into the world and gain experience.

UWE’s InfoHub is brimming with all kinds of career opportunities. From voluntary roles, internships, to graduate positions. It took no time for me to find a volunteering role that peaked my interest.

Before long, I was volunteering at a charity supporting young people in South Bristol. I helped host youth sessions, and wrote promotional articles for their marketing campaign.

Gaining Experience

As my degree progressed, so did the opportunities on my course. From working with real copywriting clients, interviewing the local community, to creating our own literary magazine.

My Commercial Writing and Content Marketing module introduced me to Writing Club – a highly reputed copywriting agency. They selected UWE students for their New Writers Club, a summer program where we worked on briefs to build our portfolios. This gave me the confidence and experience to find my own clients and begin freelance copywriting.

The Now

In my third and final year of university, I have transformed from the timid girl beginning her degree to a confident young woman kickstarting her career.

Whether you know exactly what you want to go into, or don’t know where to start, UWE is bound to help you get ahead of the game. Over the past few years, I’ve had unforgettable experiences, gained invaluable industry knowledge, and made true connections.

Why not check out all the opportunities UWE has to offer?

